Best Work Ever Starts with thestreameast Guest Posts
Guest posting is the most ideal way for a writer to reach out to many people and see whether he can be able to take up any of the standards that they may want to raise. Writing guest posts in this century is just an entire piece of content exposure and you are able to pick from.
thestreameast Guest allows you to share your work with us and get access to worldwide audience, be it aspirant writers or seasoned experts who are looking forward to ranking your site. However, authors must adhere strictly.
The streameast Guest Posting Guidelines
The content should be unique and relevant. It should also be seamless enough that the readers can easily understand it.
Your articles must be written in proper English only.
Content words may vary between 1000-1500, while longer versions are welcome.
Should choose medium tailed keywords.
Photos, tables, infographics, headers, subheadings (that are essential) as well as bold and italics can make it more accessible.
You have to use your photos or those which do not restrict royalties. Therefore screenshots of your brand or other people’s photos without permission cannot be used by you.
Remember Google Webmaster Guidelines at all times.
Readability should be optimized while making effective use of headings where necessary.
Use reputable outbound links when necessary; strong internal linking will occur once we review our previous blogs on this topic area.
Make sure you produce high quality content because you will need this article URL later on.
How Can I Submit My Work?
If your essay has met all these guidelines send drafts of your paper(s) at Our editorial team will get back with you immediately. In addition to drafts, brief pitches may include relevant pictures, info graphics, listicles etc. Ensure that anybody can read what you have written. Once we have considered you for a guest post, we shall reach out to you regarding any revisions or recommendations.
Note: If you ever wrote an article and read this one, then we suggest that you follow the above guidelines as well as forward it over to us.
Terms of Use
By submitting your draft to us, you agree that our terms of use will enable us to change whatever we think will make it easily readable, inclusive and SEO friendly. We can also include in newsletters, links and downloadable files.